Monday, September 5, 2011

Finished with my 31 day drawing challenge!

   Adrienne Barbeau as Maggie from Escape From New York. 

I'm finally finished with my 31 day drawing challenge.   For a whole month I dedicated one to two hours a day to drawing/painting/sketching a girl.  It was hard work and time consuming, but in the end I feel that it paid off.   I feel a lot better about my drawing ability and I was able to get some ideas down on paper that had been occupying my brain for a while.  This isn't the end though!  I'm going to be taking a mini vacation from the blog but I'll be back posting more drawings on Friday.  I haven't decided what drawing challenge I'll do next.  Maybe random drawings, mini-comics, guinea pigs, or sexy starlets from sci-fi/horror films.  I still have to finish working on my mini-comic that I'll be submitting to Comic Con and I'll be starting my Maya Springboard Class the last week of September.  Yep, I'm going to be busy!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Almost done!

I didn't have any internet connection on Sunday so I wasn't able to post my image.   I was trying to use my phone, but for some reason the image wasn't downloading.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Trying to draw Kate Bush

I didn't like the overall drawing so I cropped a section of it.  It looks better cropped.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

70's girl

I wasn't planning on posting this image.  I had started the final one on watercolor paper, but I just couldn't capture the same stance that I had in the sketchbook.  So I ended up touching up the drawing in my sketchbook.  I like how the girl came out, except for the pee like background. 

I've been drawing a lot of girls from the 20's and 50's photos and I decided to go ahead and tread into the 70's.  The last one I had done was the Shelly Duvall drawing.   Here is the photo that I used for reference.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Another Pin-up girl in a retro swimsuit

I love how her body came out on this drawing, but I feel the face does not suit her.  I wanted her face to come out a lot rounder and cuter but instead it came out too angular.  I also went a little too crazy on the side burns.

I'm almost at the end of my 31 day drawing challenge and I can't believe I've kept it up.  I'll be done with my last girl drawing on Labor Day.  I haven't decided what challenge to do next.  I'll probably take a couple of days off before I start the next set of drawings.  I'll definitely start posting some Nobigochu: The Worm Pup  and Samurai Chick comics after this.